Howard Books

For most people, it would be more than enough to achieve success as an award-winning recording artist, prolific hit songwriter, and highly-respected musician. But Brad Paisley is not most people.

Having conquered the Billboard charts, Paisley decided to tackle a different kind of bestsellers’ list with his upcoming book debut, titled ‘Diary of a Player: How My Musical Heroes Made a Guitar Man Out of Me.’

In the book, due out November 1, Paisley looks back on his life as a guitarist, from his formative years as a small-town junior picker to his days as the proud owner of two Grammy Awards for Best Instrumental Country Performance. For help co-authoring ‘Diary,’ he turned to noted rock critic David Wild.

In a statement announcing the release, Howard Books VP and publisher Jonathan Merkh described the book as, “A love letter to the guitar. The book pays homage to an instrument that Paisley realized was his only real constant no matter how he changed and evolved.”

“There are some people who drink, who seek counseling, eat, or watch TV, cry, sleep and so on,” added Paisley. “I play.”

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