A recent Facebook post from Fort Caspar Academy has brought to light an interesting matter about dress code. The school's Principal took to social media giving parents a heads up that clothing decorated with the 'Poo' Emoji is not allowed at the school.

The post reads:

Dear Fort Caspar Academy Families:

It has come to my attention that Poo Emoji decorated items of clothing are making their way to school at Fort Caspar Academy. Clothing with Poo Emoji or other items with the Poo Emoji on it are not appropriate for school. Clothing with the Poo Emoji is considered distracting and will need to be changed or turned inside out. Please take care to make sure Poo Emoji items do not come to school at Fort Caspar Academy. Thank you for your help.

Rick Edwards

The Poo Emoji is very popular in text and social media. It has grown even more in popularity after the success of the The Emoji Movie last year, where the particular symbol was voiced by Sir Patrick Stewart.

Although the official Fort Caspar Academy Handbook does not single out Poo Emoji themed clothing specifically in the dress code section, it does state:

Shirts or clothing with suggestive words or phrases, pictures and advertisements of cigarettes, narcotics, alcoholic beverages, or any type emblems, pictures or writing not appropriate for school will not be permitted.

The school has every right to determine what is and what is not appropriate attire for students, but we are curious what your opinion is.

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