A cat that climbed a power pole after being chased by a dog just made the news in Worland, Wyoming and I love it.

I'm not trying to be funny. I'm serious. This is one of the reasons I love Wyoming. The Worland Fire Protection District #1 & Worland Volunteer Fire Department shared this picture with story on Facebook today.

Think about this for a second. While the rest of the world appears fixated on a dangerous pandemic, what are we focused on in the Cowboy State? A cat chased up a power pole by a dog, that's what.

I'm not making light of genuine concerns people have for a virus that continues to cause human loss. I just find it endearing that we are so hard to sway in Wyoming that we continue to report on a cat up a power pole while the rest of the world is panicking over toilet paper and the stock market. I hope we never change.

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