Community Keeps Wyoming Healthy and Happy According to Study
According to a new survey, Wyoming is one of the best states in the nation when it comes to community pride, feeling safe, and liking where you live.
Each year, Gallup-Sharecare publishes the State of American Well-Being. This massive projects takes the pulse on every state in the nation. With 2.5 million surveys, the data builds the Well-Being Index. It evaluates each state on five factors that they believe are qualities that result in a healthy and happy life.
How did Wyoming favor?
Wyoming ranked 16th best in the nation for Well-Being. This is a drop from last year where the Cowboy State was the 12the best. Even though the state lost rank, the decline is not statistically significant. Overall Wyoming ranked the highest when it came to community pride and feeling safe.
The five factors of Well-Being are: purpose, social, financial, community, and physical.
Purpose: "Liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals."
- Wyoming ranked 17th in the nation.
Social: "Having supportive relationships and love in your life."
- Wyoming ranked 38th in the nation.
Financial: "Managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security."
- Wyoming ranked 23rd in the nation.
Community: "Liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community."
- Wyoming ranked 10th in the nation.
Physical: "Having good health and enough energy to get things done daily."
- Wyoming ranked 28th in the nation.
To read more about the methodology of this report, please visit the Gallup-Sharecare website.