Bigfoot-Jackalope-Unicorn Statue In Dubois Is Peak Wyoming
On the main road through Dubois, Wyoming (there is only one main road through that town) is a sight that would be illogical anywhere else.
Bigfoot leading a unicorn with a jackalope on its back
If you live in Wyoming this scene makes perfect sense.
You've got to admit, that's one badass-looking bigfoot.
It's made out of metal scraps.
I'm sure this scene was inspired over a few beers, or something stronger.
Trust me, alcohol was involved in this creation.
It was a Sunday morning with not many people on the street so I decided to get a photo with it.
Problem is, it looks more like Bigfoot is giving me a swat on the tush rather than just following me.
Honestly, I was not going for that.
That's a really inappropriate-looking pose.
Near this scene is a big jackalope with a saddle on it, just begging for people to have a seat and take a picture.
Then there is this giant skull a the entrance of a store.
I posed here to give you an idea of scale.
This is not the only place that you'll find bigfoot leading another animal by a leash.
As you drive across Wyoming look for surprises.
Scenes like the one below will pop out when you least expect them.
By the time you turn to someone next to you and ask "DID YOU SEE THAT?" it's already behind you.
So keep a camera ready as proof, because nobody will believe you.
Like this scene, on I-25 in eastern Wyoming.
For many years folks driving Interstate 25, northbound, would pass the first exit to Glenrock, Wyoming, just past the power plant, and see only the silhouette of a triceratops.
It was only recently that some clever person added something.
Bigfoot walking the triceratops on a leash
I want to hand an award to the person who thought of this.
More than that, the person who created and installed this.
Let's have a closer look:It looks like Bigfoot is walking with a chain for a leash.
That makes sense.
A big beast like that could break a normal leather leash easily.
Was the Bigfoot silhouette already made or did they make it just for this highway display?
These are important questions.
Any palaeontologist would tell you that Bigfoot did not walk the Earth around the time of the triceratops.
Some people would tell you that Bigfoot NEVER walked the Earth.
I'll let you folks debate that.
I don't care.
We can only imagine Bigfoot is singing this song out there:
Here is what it used to look like.
I'm not sure how long this addition has been there, but it is new. I drive by this spot several times a year and this is the first time I have seen it.
Here is the location on Google Maps.
SIDE NOTE: I said that you can see this while driving northbound, I-25, after the first Glenrock Exit as you head to Casper.
Some people like to argue with me that, at that point, the highway is heading EAST.
Yes, it is.
But I-25 is a north/south highway.
That short section that goes East/West does not change its designation as a north/south highway.
You can see this WONDERFUL display from the southbound lane. But you're looking at it from the other side, like looking at the back of a billboard.
Life-Size Bigfoot
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods
Wyoming Dinosaur Center
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods
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