AW that's just so cute.

I have a picture of mama and baby, below. 

What do we name this little one?

Grandpa Rich sends me photos, daily, through the Wake Up Wyoming app by using the Chat option.

Each morning, no matter the time of year, he drives his old pickup truck, his trusty dog beside him, up to the pasture behind the hot springs in Thermopolis Wyoming.

He'll watch the bison in the morning sun, and swing over to see the steaming hot springs before heading down into town for breakfast.

Early this week he sent me this picture and announced the first baby bison of the season had been born.

More are on the way, I'm sure.

There are plenty of ladies up there and a few bulls, so, babies were made.

Here's the full picture with Mama and baby.

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I'm sure at some point that little guy opened his eyes and wondered, 'Where the HELL am I?'

Seeing this little guy and watching the herd is free and open to the public.

Thermopolis is, east of Yellowstone National Park, and in the foothills of the Owl Creek Mountains along the Big Horn River.

As you pull into town you'll see the iconic white large letters on the side of Monument Hill that proclaim it home to the “World’s Largest Mineral Hot Springs.”

Below is a video shot by Grandpa Rich.

Yes, you can soak in the waters.

This was part of the Wind River Indian Reservation.

The Shoshone and Arapaho tribes sold this land to the United States in 1896 with the understanding that the waters would be free and open to the public.

attachment-Baby Bison Grandpa Rich

Below is a gallery of Thermopolis baby bison from 2022.

Baby Bison In Thermopolis Wyoming

The Bison Secret Of Thermopolis Wyoming

Thermopolis has so much to offer.
The Wind River Canyon.
River Rafting
Fly Fishing
Unique Shops.
Dinosaur Bone Hunting.
Dinosaur Museum.

Did you know about the Thermopolis buffalo pasture?

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