For Online Sales Tax Wyoming Does Have Laws
States can require internet retailers to tell customers they owe sales tax, thanks to The U.S. Supreme Court not hearing a case of “breech of privacy." We'll see where Wyoming stands on that.
Colorado law requires sellers like Amazon to make notification, to customers and the state, how much sales tax is owed. Officials estimate Colorado misses out on over $172 million a year. Can they do that anywhere? Let's just see if it they can do it to us.
When someone in Wyoming buys adult toys online (perhaps since there is a shortage of adult retailers in the Cowboy State), are there taxes if the online proprietor has no Wyoming brick & mortar location? Essentially no, or at least, there should not be.
Not all states are the same but most go by “physical presence,” and Wyoming is no different. Legal site, nolo.com did a good job of explaining.
"Example 1: If an online retailer in Wheeling, West Virginia makes a sale to a customer in Rock Springs, Wyoming, where the business has no physical presence, the site is not required to collect tax from the Rock Springs customer."
"Example 2: If an online retailer located in Laramie makes a sale to someone in Gillette (WY), collecting sales tax from the Gillette customer is required."
"Example 3: After several years of operating solely out of a warehouse in Wheeling, let's say the business opens a one-room satellite office just outside of Cheyenne, where previously there was no physical presence. A day later, there's a sale through the web to a customer in Casper. Collecting sales tax from the Casper customer is also the law."
"There's more on physical presence specifically under Wyoming law in Section 39-16-101 of the Wyoming Statutes."
When you read the words “statues" and "section” followed by a lot of numbers with dashes, do your eyes immediately glaze over - or is that just me?
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