From the Mouths of Babes: The Kiddos of Beartrap Summer Festival
Without getting too religious, the Bible had much to say about children. The biggest and, some might say most beautiful point, came from Jesus when he asked the religious teachers oh his day 'Have you never read 'Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have perfected praise?'"

What he's saying, biblical scholars agree, is that praise from children means the most because they are wise, they are honest, and they are pure of heart. They say what they mean and they mean what they say.
Anyone who has ever spent any time around kids can attest to this, for better or worse. Sometimes, they say really means things. But other times, oftentimes, they can say something that immediately touches your heart and speaks to your soul.
Which is why, when kids like something, you know it. And after spending an afternoon with them on top of Casper Mountain, a consensus has been reached:
Kids love Beartrap Summer Festival.
And it's easy to see why.
In addition to the various food trucks, vendors and, of course, music, there are tons of activities for the little ones as well. Beartrap Summer Festival isn't just for the grownups; it's for the kiddos too.
Wyo Central Federal Credit Union sponsored a 'Family Fun Field,' and boy was it.
There were bouncy houses and slides. There were also mini-bungee jumps, courtesy of Jump Craze. There was a mini science center courtesy of The Science Zone, as well as axe throwing from Oil City Axe Co. There was cornhole and other games provided by Dave's Darts and Billiards, face-painting courtesy of Merrily the Clown, and more. That's all in addition to the natural elements. Being in the woods, being barefoot in a park or a meadow...there's something special about that.
But, really, we all turn into a kid at Beartrap Summer Festival, just a little bit. There's just something about being away from the hustle and bustle of city life (or, ya know, the Casper equivalent) that allows us all to relax a little bit more, to let down our hair, take off our shoes, and dance.
We all get older. It's inevitable. We put our shoes on and we stop playing in the mud. Banks are erected inside our heads where once magic picture-palaces had stood. We get older, we stop dancing, we forget to notice the enchantment around us.
Which is why weekends like the Beartrap Summer Festival are so important. They remind us that it's okay to have a little fun, to get a little dirty, to be a little silly. We rediscover those picture-palaces and we ask that the drawbridge be let down because we want to pay a visit, just for a little while.
And we play.
Oh, how we play.
That's what Beartrap offers us; kids and adults alike. It gives us a chance to play, and to run, and to dance in the rain.
Maybe we could learn a thing or two from kiddos; from their hearts, from their heads, from their words. Because when they like something, they'll let you know. And when they don't like something, they'll let you know that too.
So many children said they were having a blast at Beartrap Summer Festival, and we have no reason not to believe them. Because it must be true; it's from the mouths of babes.
Check out photos of the kiddos of Beartrap Summer Festival below:
From the Mouths of Babes: The Kiddos of Beartrap Summer Festival
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