Homeowner Shares Pics of Moose and Calves Taking Over a Backyard
What do you do if you look outside and realize that a moose family has taken over your backyard? If you're this homeowner, you provide a hilarious play-by-play of what happened.
Roland Rydstrom was the lucky homeowner who had his property hijacked by a moose and her calves.
I first saw this shared by Bored Panda. If you look at Roland's pics, you'll notice that the moose family naps, knocks over potted plants and examines the gates. After this went viral, the internet could not seem to stop obsessing over whether or not the marigolds in the pots were straightened up. Spoiler Alert: they were.
Last time I looked, Roland's moose visit had over 95,000 shares. If you take the time to count, I'd bet my bottom dollar that around 94,000 of those come from Wyoming as we sure do love our moose around here. Just ask the Jackson family who also had a moose pay them a visit many moons ago.