It’s Best To Know The Basics Of Skiing Before Heading To Hogadon
This winter has been a slow start to the skiing season in the Casper area. Mild temperatures and lack of snow have been harsh on the winter sports loving Wyomingites. Thankfully over the last couple weeks, the snow has fallen and given those that have been jonesin for time on the ski time on Casper Mountain.
Last Saturday, Hogadon Basin Ski Area had a crowded parking lot and lots of skiers, sleders and snowboarders taking advantage of the fresh snow.
Instead of making 'resolutions' for the new year, we decided to make 22 goals for 2022. One of the goals on our list was to at least try skiing or snowboarding. Having never trying either, I wasn't sure where to start.
I was pretty sure that snowboarding looked a little too difficult for a first timer. Not saying that skiing looks easy, but I found ski instructors from the Professional Ski Instructors of America that had YouTube videos in association with REI.
Robin Barnes is with PSIA and does a great job giving the basic lessons needed to feel more confident in getting out and understanding the basics of skiing. One thing I really liked about this series of videos is they spend enough time and give details enough to understand what is going on.
If you're like me and have never really skied before, you may be questioning all the equipment and how to use it. Robin even has a video to walk you through those steps too.
Now that you know how to put the skis and equipment on, you're ready to learn how to put the equipment to good use.
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