Lander, Wyoming Family Wakes Up to Herd of Elk in their Backyard
One of the nice things about going to bed in Wyoming is you never know what you might wake up to. One family in Lander arose to find a huge herd of elk in their backyard.
Here's part of their description of what they discovered as it was shared on YouTube:
I woke up early that morning, it was still dark out. It was slowly lightening up outside and I was looking out my front window, enjoying my morning coffee when I noticed several dark shapes in my field. As soon as it was bright enough, I began videotaping all these beautiful elk on my property.
If you're a newbie to Wyoming, Lander is a couple hours to the west of Casper.
If you look at the USGS map that shows the migration of elk herds in Wyoming, you'll see that the area near Lander is definitely a place where you're probably more likely to find an elk than a human being.