The last time I visited my mom's house, I noticed she had a scratched, brown, and worn-out plastic cutting board. She uses it nearly daily when preparing meals, but the problem is that she uses the same cutting board for everything.

A cutting board is best for your countertop and knives, but many options are available. Which type of cutting board should you use, and how many?

Types of cutting boards.

Most houses have wood or plastic cutting boards, but those aren't your only options.

Wood - A wood cutting board can last long if you care for it properly. Wooden boards can be resurfaced for long-term use but must be cared for to keep the board in good shape.

Plastic - Plastic cutting boards are temporary utensils in your kitchen because they must be replaced more often, but they are inexpensive to replace. They also come in different colors, which is helpful to protect from cross-contamination.

Glass - Glass cutting boards are low-cost and don't require the same maintenance level as other types. The problem with them is that they will dull your knives quicker, meaning you'll need to sharpen them regularly. They also tend to shatter, which could incur more expenses.

Bamboo - Bamboo cutting boards may be the perfect option. They're lightweight, long-lasting, and easier than plastic, glass, or marble on knives; the downside is that, like wood, they require more maintenance.

Marble - Marble cutting boards are incredibly durable, hard to break, easier to clean, and don't retain bacteria or rancid smells. However, they are considerably more expensive.

Epicurean - Epicurean cutting boards are made of recycled wood fibers and resin, giving them the feel of wood while allowing you to cut on plastic. They are very durable and easy to clean, allowing them to last a long time without resurfacing, and they're easy on your knives. The price point may be higher, but the lifespan is longer.

How often should I change my cutting board?

You should change your cutting board every 1 to 3 years. The more you use them, the more they become scratched. Making it more challenging to clean and stay sanitary.

How many cutting boards are needed?

Research shows that to reduce cross-contamination, you should use separate cutting boards: one for raw meat, fish, and chicken and one for fruits and vegetables.

One benefit of plastic cutting boards is that they come in different colors, making it easier to use separate cutting boards for other purposes.

Let's Make Wyoming Cutting Boards Great Again

Can you make a cutting board?

The most common cutting boards are made of wood. Again, wood is durable and, with proper care, can last for a long time. Although the price of a wood cutting board is generally higher than that of some other types, you could make your own if you have woodworking skills.

This video from Ben Grimsley gives you a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

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