Netflix Added ‘Eclipse Over America’ Featuring Casper Mountain
If you were on Casper Mountain during the total solar eclipse of 2017, you might be on Netflix right now. They've just added the movie "Eclipse Over America" and Casper Mountain is the star.
I just spotted this while browsing through Netflix. It's a PBS show called "Eclipse Over America" and the focus of the show are scientists that were studying the sun during the eclipse and they set up camp in the meadows on Casper Mountain.
The total length of the movie is only 53 minutes and I bet I saw Casper Mountain for at least 20 minutes of that.
If you want to check out this movie, I have two bits of good news for you. First of all, you can watch it on Netflix if you're a subscriber. But, you can watch it even if you don't have Netflix. It's watchable for free from the PBS site, too.
I've never been accused of being the smartest guy in the room (shocker!), but even I learned a few things about the sun (and Casper Mountain) from this show. Yes, miracles do happen.