animal videos

Injured Mama Cat Leads Rescuer to Her Kittens
Injured Mama Cat Leads Rescuer to Her Kittens
Injured Mama Cat Leads Rescuer to Her Kittens
In yet another amazing tale proving some animals are more compassionate than human beings, we humbly submit Jolie, the heroic mama cat. Jolie calls England her home, and when she was pregnant, some cruel dolt tossed her out of a moving car. She survived, and a kind soul fed her and eventually confined her in a rural area before calling the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. R
Angry Sheep Attacks Rude Little Girl [VIDEO]
Angry Sheep Attacks Rude Little Girl [VIDEO]
Angry Sheep Attacks Rude Little Girl [VIDEO]
Don’t taunt a sheep unless you want to end up getting rammed (pun intended) like the girl in this video. This sheep goes nuts after a nasty little urchin tosses a coconut at its head. Luckily for the rude girl the sheep’s ramming instincts have preceded the development of his horns. Check out some retribution, sheep-style, in the video below
Tiny Bear Cubs Have Adorable Wrestling Match [VIDEO]
Tiny Bear Cubs Have Adorable Wrestling Match [VIDEO]
Tiny Bear Cubs Have Adorable Wrestling Match [VIDEO]
A couple of pint-sized bear cubs stopped traffic in Yosemite National Park recently when they staged a playful wrestling match right in the middle of the road. Nearby motorists reacted to this adorable scene by saying things like “I want one,” and “Oh, please come to my car.” Luckily, nobody acted on these impulses because — as you can see in the video below — mama bear was carefully watching her
Corgi Puppy Tries to Sleep Through the Hiccups [VIDEO]
Corgi Puppy Tries to Sleep Through the Hiccups [VIDEO]
Corgi Puppy Tries to Sleep Through the Hiccups [VIDEO]
It’s hard to be a puppy. All that cuteness and people always cooing “awwww!” at you and having little puppy paws that make many folks just want to eat you up. Sometimes you simply have to take a nap to escape it all. So you cuddle into a warm lap, and what happens? You get the hiccups. And then your humans think you’re even more adorable, so they grab a camera and film the whole thing and put it o
Cat and Enormous Beetle Are Unlikely Friends [VIDEO]
Cat and Enormous Beetle Are Unlikely Friends [VIDEO]
Cat and Enormous Beetle Are Unlikely Friends [VIDEO]
It’s unclear if this cat allowed a beetle to climb atop its head because of an affinity for the enormous bug, or because it is just too tired and lazy to deal with the bold encroachment. It’s probably the second reason, but it’s fun to think that a cat and a beetle could beat the odds and be best friends.
The Jedi Kittens Strike Back [VIDEO]
The Jedi Kittens Strike Back [VIDEO]
The Jedi Kittens Strike Back [VIDEO]
When we last checked in with the Jedi Kittens they were engaging in an intense light-saber battle on the living room couch. In the felines’ latest clip, they’ve taken to the skies in a re-creation of the classic X-wing vs. TIE Fighter space battle from ‘Star Wars.’ Watch Jedi Kittens Strike Back below:
Humans Get Their Revenge on Thieving Seagulls [VIDEO]
Humans Get Their Revenge on Thieving Seagulls [VIDEO]
Humans Get Their Revenge on Thieving Seagulls [VIDEO]
Seagulls have been on quite a crime spray as of late, stealing everything from cameras to golf balls to hamburgers. In the video below, humanity was able to exert a bit of revenge on the thieving birds with a simple trick involving some french fries and a glass windshield. Watch the rats of the sky get trolled.

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