
Man Survives 61 Days in Snowed-In Car
Man Survives 61 Days in Snowed-In Car
Man Survives 61 Days in Snowed-In Car
The world is filled with terrible news, so it’s nice for us to find a story with a happy ending once in awhile.  Not that type of happy ending. Pervert. Here is an amazing story about a Swedish man who was stranded in a snow drift for 61 days.
10 Survival Gadgets Every Camper Needs to Brave the Outdoors
10 Survival Gadgets Every Camper Needs to Brave the Outdoors
10 Survival Gadgets Every Camper Needs to Brave the Outdoors
stevecadman, Flickr Has the idea of camping recently peaked your interest, or is your Secret Santa an outdoors enthusiast? If you, or someone you’re buying gifts for this holiday season wants to get back to nature, we've just made your a life a little bit easier. There ar ...