The Mystery of Wyoming’s Campstool Kid
A new Youtube page has popped up called The Campstool Kid.
Campstool is the name of the ranch that surrounds Devils Tower, Wyoming.
It looks like the videos are being shot, and edited by someone who works there.
They center around THE KID!
Well... the kid makes appearances in these videos. He's a hoot to watch.
Most of these videos are a glimpse into what working in Devil's Tower looks like, and it certainly looks like a lot of hard work.
Viewers also get a wonderful tour around the tower as the work is done.
According to the description on the Youtube page:
We are a 7th generation ranching operation in the shadows of Devils Tower, our nations first national monument.
We are striving to create a sustainable environment for agriculture and wildlife for generations to come!
Our videos will take you through day to day ranching activities with our family on the Campstool Ranch!
There are only 4 videos loaded so far, but they are an interesting glimpse into the young boy who is growing up on the ranch and the man who is shooting these videos who you see in the photo above.
There is even a video showing Devils Tower from above as our host takes us for a fly in a little plane that is stored in the hanger on the ranch.
The Campstool Ranch is located at the foot of Devils Tower in northeast Wyoming where the Driskill family has been ranching since 1878.
The Driskills first trailed over one million cattle to Wyoming from Texas in 1868 and now – eight generations later – they still raise all-natural Angus beef on grass and sunshine. (Campstool Ranch Website).
Senator Driskill told me that the name Campstool came from the original idea that Devils Tower looked like a cut tree log that somebody might sit on, by the fire, at the camp.
This kid had a great life. He gets to grow up HERE doing THIS!
Let's hope he passes that appreciation on to his kids.
If anything these interesting Youtube episodes of The Campstool Kid will help preserve the memories and history of one of the most beautiful and historic ranches in Wyoming.