Tribute to ‘Brutus’ A Legendary Wyoming Elk [VIDEO]
There have been some monster bull elk photographed and admired inside the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming. But one bull elk stood out among them all and they called him Brutus.
The gigantic wapiti passed away of old age on the back of the refuge according to the comments on the video. He was estimated to be between 14 and 16 years old. His antlers were reported be world class measuring over the 400+ mark each year. In 2016 his sheds were scored just shy of 440". Upon his death, his antlers were scored at about 405" with a remarkable 54" inches across on the inside and a measured 62" inches on the outside.
Jody Tibbitts captured a video of Brutus in 2016 while at the refuge and that video went viral and helped to bring large crowds to the National Elk Refuge in hopes to see him.
There has been some debate as to the bull found dead being the same Brutus that has drawn thousands of on lookers to the National Elk Refuge hoping to get a peak. According to comments on Facebook, Brutus had a small notch on the top of his right that can be seen in photographs of the massive animal. That same notch was found on the ear of the massive bull that was found earlier this year on the back of the refuge.