In the past, I haven't been one of those people that makes it to the gym on the regular, I prefer to get outside and run, hike, or snowshoe.

In January I began attending a spin class at our local rec center, and I was hooked.

It wasn't just about the calorie burn and the insane amount of sweat (though don't get me wrong it's an amazing workout) it was about the ladies in the class with me.

In between huffing and puffing, we would vent about #MomLife, or work stress, or chat about what we were watching on Netflix.

Based on my social media feed, I'm not the only one currently missing my "gym family."

In this time of CLOVID-19 induced quarantine, we're all missing someone and struggling to stay away from the baked goods (just me?).

While I know some gyms are doing virtual Zoom workouts, this wasn't an option for me.

So, about two weeks into #QuarantineLife I found a great solution to this unique problem.

Once a week I set up a FaceTime date with two of my best friends from High School.

We chat and catch up for the first few minutes...and then we do a yoga or HITT workout together.

It's good for the soul AND body.

Not sure where to start?

Here is a beginner HITT workout that works for any fitness level.

Yellow Checklist Fitness Interactive Instagram Story (1)

And here is a series of yoga poses that don't take a lot of space and should leave you with all the zen you've been craving.

Blue Mandala Yoga Exercise Packing Checklist

Not sure what the poses look like? You can follow this link for explanations.

Stay healthy, stay strong, and remember to get moving and connecting with others every single day.

7 Trails To Hike In Central Wyoming

There's no doubt about it, the entire state of Wyoming is covered in amazing hiking trails. If you're visiting central Wyoming here are 7 trails that you should check out. I've organized them from easier to harder, ending with Laramie Peak.

FOUND: Eccentric Journal Lost Deep In The Wyoming Wilderness

The journal was found near the Thorofare located in Northern Wyoming. It is bound in Navy Blue Leather and has both drawings and written entries.

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