Watch Man Hang Glide off Casper Mountain [VIDEO]
In this video a man is hang gliding off Casper Mountain. This clip takes you from launching to landing. He soars high above lookout point, tower hill, Deer Creek, and Boxelder. Then he lands safely at Echo Mountain Ranch. Along the way, you get to see Casper 17,000 feet above the ground.
There is part of me that wants to know what it is like to fly like a bird or Superman. There is another part of me that is very much afraid of heights. Some people like to get their feet off the ground more than myself.
It is a different perspective so close to the clouds. The man in the hang glider gives a thumbs-up to the people at lookout point. You see the wide Wyoming sky and the brown-green rolling hills of Casper. The hills are outlined by roads and an occasional lake. The man lands safely, and possibly starts dreaming of his next flight.