Watch Traffic Stopped By 2 Donkeys Running Circles in the Road
As soon as I came across this video, I knew I would need to know more. It's a new share from a driver who was stopped along with other traffic by two donkeys who were running circles around each other in the middle of the road.
I believe this happened somewhere in Canada. See what you make of this.
Here's a little snippet of what the driver said about what he witnessed:
Two donkeys came running straight towards me chasing each other and playing tag. I was at a complete stop my four ways were on, I tried to turn my camera on, and catch what I could. They ran beside my car for a little bit and then started going down a driveway.
I know you'll think I'm kidding, but this led me to do a search for "wild Canadian donkeys". I highly recommend this as you'll learn lots of new donkey things. One of the results will lead you to the North American Donkey Wikipedia page. Come to find out we're kind of responsible for donkeys being in Canada as many prospectors in Colorado and traveling through Wyoming brought donkeys with them as pack animals.
One Canadian donkey named "Buckwheat" got famous last year for crashing online Zoom meetings.
If you do the math, this means we in Wyoming indirectly played apart in traffic being stopped in Canada. I know this fact will help me sleep better tonight.

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