I would argue that it's not possible to come up with this kind of genius invention unless you're at least 75% redneck. A man has devised a way to cross a frozen lake with practically no effort whatsoever.
I don't consider myself a bear expert and wouldn't advise that you take any tips from me on how to survive a potential bear encounter. However, I don't think what I've found is the right way to do it. It's video shared by a hunter who had a mama bear and cub investigate his tree stand with him still in it.
I get ridiculed whenever I claim that skunks are deadly, but I've yet to see any predator have any success trying to take one down. This video is another example of my deadly skunk theory as one of these little titans showed a cougar who's boss.
As soon as I came across this video, I knew I would need to know more. It's a new share from a driver who was stopped along with other traffic by two donkeys who were running circles around each other in the middle of the road.
Just be glad these big wolves weren't coming after you. A new video shows a snowmobiler who grabbed his phone and captured video when he saw two wolves running past him trying to chase down a coyote.
It's been said that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. By that standard, I have found what I believe could be a wild beaver zombie.
Do you remember that fun time when a driver shared video of a couple of black wolves who were running along a highway? I do and it's gone viral once again.