Before my first ever Cheyenne Frontier Days, I got advice from veterans of The Daddy of 'Em All.  After each of these things I was told, next comes what I really found. 

It takes about four hours to get used to the smell of cow patties. After that its not so bad. ... It does not take a whole 4 hours to get used to the smell. It takes 5 hours.

If you love western art shows, this is also the daddy of them all. ... True, and if you love turquoise, it's like being in the Southwest.

There is no need for a cowboy hat to have a good time. You’re accepted as you are. ... Yes, but I felt like I was even more accepted when I did have a cowboy hat.

Share half of a funnel cake and choose food wisely or you could get sick. ... No funnel cake, but I got talked into trying a bite of a fried oreo. It took hours for that taste to go away.

If you’re on a budget, there are events that cost zero, like the Indian Village Dances. ... Yes, but now I take as much cash as I can. It’s a once a year splurge. 

Pick at least one of the downtown parades, and one of the pancake breakfasts at Depot Plaza. ... I never went to either. I stayed in my office downtown and worked. For the Saturday parade, I stayed out of downtown.

Don’t worry about trying to park close. Take your time. Also forget parking downtown on days of parades and breakfasts. ... Well, now we can Uber in. No parking period.

Do not park in a driveway of a Cheyenne homeowner. They don’t usually like that. ... Yes, I took that to heart. And I did see a tow truck stalking the hood.

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