We live in an odd time in the history of movies. Recent years have seen many films that are not-so original anymore as reboots and sequels have been sought after and there are audiences that love to circle back to those series for the nostalgia factor. There are also the superhero franchises that are as popular as ever (thanks Marvel). But what about some original classic that are so good, they couldn't possibly ever be redone? And of those classic films, what is the most popular in Wyoming?

These classic movies that we're referring to are films that are at least 50 years old and have had some sort of impact on pop culture. Movies like 'Wizard Of Oz', 'Gone With the Wind', 'The Godfather', 'West Side Story' (the original), 'Breakfast At Tiffany's', 'The Sound of Music', and 'Rebel Without a Cause' are these types of films that have certainly impacted pop culture as we know it. To this day, references from 'The Godfather' are commonly used in any given show or movie and they definitely go out of their way to let it be known that they're referencing the film.

But what is Wyoming's favorite classic? Here's a hint; it's not 'The Godfather'.

No offence to 'The Godfather' as that is certainly one of the greatest films ever made, the most popular classic film in Wyoming is often mentioned is being THE greatest film of all-time, which of course is debatable. But the Cowboy State was one of just two states that picked this as their most popular classic film, which comes from the year 1941. That film is 'Citizen Kane'.

'Citizen Kane' was produced and directed by Orson Welles. He also played the main character, Charles Foster Kane. If you're someone who goes by movie reviews, the film has a 99 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. As you can tell from that, many still think it's one of the greatest film, if not the greatest film, of all-time. It's safe to say that Wyoming picked a good one. The shame of it all was that Alaska was the only other state that picked it as their most popular.

'Gone With the Wind' and 'Wizard Of Oz' were voted most popular by the most states, each with seven. One of those states who voted 'Wizard Of Oz' as most popular was our neighbors to the south in Colorado. 'The Godfather' was also only the most popular in two states.

So if you're in a streaming rut, maybe try a classic movie that might hold you ever. Especially one that is highly regarded as the best film of all-time. Citizen Kane definitely delivers and it seems that other Wyomingites also think so.

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