Popcorn has been around for thousands of years and honestly, I don't think we celebrate it enough. Popcorn is so popular that there are 14 billion quarts of popcorn consumed in the United States every year.

National Popcorn Day is January 19th, there are multiple 'Popcorn Festivals' around the country in September and October is National Popcorn Poppin' month, but really we should have at least one day a month set aside for it.

With the invention of microwave popcorn and pre-bagged popcorn, you can have it at the touch of a button. No mess, not time consuming and almost everyone enjoys it.

There are those that are worried about not being able to enjoy popcorn if they're on a diet, but Popcorn.org says that popcorn is a whole grain. That makes it a good carb choice. The unhealthy part comes when you pile butter, salt, cheese, caramel, sugar, chocolate or other toppings on it.

I get on kicks where I'll eat popcorn multiple times per week, and lately I've been on that kick. Microwave bag one night, non packaged microwave popcorn in my new popping bowl a couple nights, stove top occasionally, drive to the movie theater just for popcorn, stop in to target for their freshly popped $1 box, or stop and buy a pre-popped bag at the store. I always love when a bar offers popcorn to snack on while you're sipping on suds too.

Here are ways to make your popcorn at home from The Cookful.com

If you're heading to the movies, popcorn is on your mind hours before you even get there. The smell, the taste and the buttery fingers are just some of the reasons popcorn is rated the #1 Movie Snack.

In Casper, there are plenty of places to get your popcorn fix and at any time of the day....or night. Convenience stores, grocery stores, hardware stores, bars, restaurants specialty stores or even your own kitchen.

Here are some of the ways people in Casper like to pop, flavor or buy their popcorn.

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