The Wyoming Beef Council seeks to fill council vacancies for a range cattle producer and a dairy producer, as well as two openings on the Federation of State Beef Councils.

The Beef Council, a five-member board of beef producers, works on behalf of the cattle growers of Wyoming to increase beef demand domestically and internationally for the benefit of Wyoming farmers and ranchers. Fifty cents of every checkoff dollar collected in Wyoming is sent to the Cattlemen's Beef Board in Denver, Colorado, which oversees checkoff programs. The remaining 50 cents is used at the discretion of the members of the Wyoming Beef Council for state, national or international programs.

Applications for the two Beef Council vacancies and the two Federation Directors openings are available for download at and should be submitted to the WBC Executive Director by April 30.

The members of the Wyoming Beef Council are appointed by Wyoming's governor to serve three-year terms. The terms for the upcoming vacancies for a range cattle producer and a dairy producer run from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 with the possibility of reappointment for an additional three-year term. Letters of support and recommendation are encouraged.

Federation Directors serve three-year terms with no more than two terms to be served consecutively. Selection of appointees for these two positions will occur at the Wyoming Beef Council meeting in June.

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