35th Anniversary of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure is Coming to Denver
I'm giving away my age by saying this, but Pee Wee's Big Adventure was a big thing when I was graduating high school. There is now a 35th Anniversary of that movie that is now a tour and it's coming to Denver in February.
I first spotted this on Boing Boing. According to their story, the movie that helped make Pee Wee Herman famous is experiencing something of a renaissance. The 35th anniversary includes a showing of the movie and Paul Reuben (Pee Wee Herman) telling stories that he's never told before about the movie and his career.
The cool part of the anniversary tour is that it's slated to arrive in Denver at the Paramount Theater on February 21. Pee Wee's site has a link for tickets and also VIP if you'd really like to up your Pee Wee Herman game.
I remember Pee Wee's TV show in the mid 80's, Pee Wee's Playhouse. I have to confess that I wasn't really a fan of the humor or Pee Wee. But, his quirkiness is something I've come to appreciate over the years.
Seeing this 35th anniversary tour really did make me nostalgic and I've found myself going back to watch old trailers of the movie and Pee Wee's character is probably more appealing now than it was to me back then.
If you're a Pee Wee Herman fan or would like to become one (or just wax nostalgic), looks like a road trip to Denver in February is something you might want to plan.
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