5 Great Places to Fish Around Casper
As many Wyoming visitors pass through Casper at a high rate of speed, most on their way to the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone National Park or headed into the Big Horns. I wonder if they realize they are passing up some of the best fishing opportunities in all of Wyoming!
Wyomingites know that Casper is a hot spot for people who love to fish and spend time on the water at the areas great fishing spots. But where do locals go to put a line in the water in hopes of landing a big fish? Just about anywhere actually!
But there are a few Hot Spots on area waters that are very guarded secrets, but with so many places to go in the hopes of catching a trophy, here are a few of my favorites either in town or within a few minutes drive.
#5 - Bryan Stock Trail Pond - Located just North of the Platte River on Bryan Stock Trail road, there are several different fishing varieties available. No gas motors are allowed on the pond, so I enjoy taking my float tube and fly rod out to catch fish. The pond was also stocked with channel catfish in 2015 and that should provide fun catch-able fish for fisherman of all abilities for years to come.
#4 - Fremont Canyon - This is a fun and beautiful trip as good fishing begins just below Pathfinder Dam and flows along the canyon all the way to the power plant above Alcova Res. Luke Bryan and a few buddies made a trip to Casper to fish the Platte and shot some video of them landing big fish in Fremont Canyon. Luke added a few of those segments in his video for his hit - 'Huntin', Fishin' and Lovin' Everyday'
#3 - North Platte River (in town) - lots of folks talk about catching big fish in the North Platte River, but mostly floating from Grey Reef downstream. Many don't realize the size and numbers of fish that live in the waters on the Platte that flow through town. Last fall, I fished a short stretch from the Tate Pumphouse down stream to the train tresses near I-25 and landed over 2 dozen rainbows, several brown trout and a couple of cut-bows. Water clarity and levels vary, but when the water is lightly stained to clear the fishing in town can be fantastic!!
#2 - Miracle Mile - A short drive from Casper, this legendary stretch of river is just below the dam at Seminoe Res. The Mile provides anglers an opportunity to catch trophy size trout and walleye. Lots of camping opportunities line the banks and visitors from all over come to test their luck in the Hawg Hole. On my last trip to the Mile, I was lucky enough to land a 26 inch cutthroat trout, grabbed a photo and let it swim back into the hole.
#1 - Grey Reef - From the spillway all the way down to government bridge, the trout are numerous and trophy's abound! If you don't own a float boat, there are lots of awesome spots to wade fish along the North Platte including right around the spill way at Grey Reef. Public Access points offer several good fishing locations from Grey Reef all the way back to Casper. Since I don't own a float boat, I prefer to fish near the spill way if I'm wading. When I have friends or family coming to town to fish, I always get a guide and let them put us on the fish and enjoy the scenery.
Wherever you go fishing, in town on the Platte or at one of the many lakes and reservoirs around Casper, there are excellent fishing opportunities! Be sure to check the rules and regulations for the waters you will be on and you should always be aware and respectful of private property lines. Penalties for trespassing while hunting or fishing in Wyoming include the possibility of imprisonment of up to six months, a maximum fine of $400 or both.
Good Luck on the water this year and if you see me out fishing, feel free to stop and say 'Hello'!