Casper Coffee Shop ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’
Have you ever been reading a good book on your Kindle and enjoying a cup of Joe at your favorite local coffee shop, when out of the blue, the loudest person ever strolls in talking excessively loud on some sort of Bluetooth device? Of course you have. Unfortunately it's happened to us as well.
With this type of unsavory behavior in mind, we've come up with an awesome list of DOs and DON'Ts in Casper (or anywhere really) for acceptable coffee house etiquette.
Let's start things off with the DOs:
- Do use the FREE Wifi, but only if you're a paying customer.
- Do respect your baristas.
- Do keep your shoes on at all times (when can't stress this enough). If you want to put your feet up on furniture, GO HOME!
- Do enjoy your time there with friends and business associates, but remember it is public place. It's a coffee shop, not a sports bar.
Now for the DON'Ts:
- Don't spread office or homework all over a 4-person table, especially if you're the only person sitting there.
- Don't take ANY call more than roughly about 3 minutes long.
- Don't talk excessively loud while on said phone calls.
- Don't EVER have your phone on speaker. Keep in mind you are in a public place.
We're about 100% sure there are many more on each category that we missed. Feel free to give us your DOs and DON'Ts in the comments. We Wyoming folk are super polite, but we also expect the same consideration in return.