Colorado is Full: ‘No Vacancy’ Sticker on Welcome Sign
It looks like there is one thing both Colorado and Wyoming can agree on. No one wants more people to move into their state. This photo is on I-25 South going from Wyoming into Colorado. Notice the sticker on the bottom that reads "No Vacancy."
If you've made a trip into Colorado, you have by no doubt had to deal with traffic. It hits after you cross the border. The biggest traffic jam you'll see in Wyoming is probably going to be on a Sunday after a pay-day weekend in the WalMart parking lot.
Colorado's economy is booming. The real estate market is insane if you are trying to find a place to live. It is not uncommon for a house to go on the market and have bids on the kitchen table that very same day, no joke. If you want to buy a house in Colorado, you better have money ready and bid over the asking price.
Wyoming's real estate market is balanced if you are a buyer, but that doesn't mean the locals want you to move here either. So please keep moving. There's nothing to see here. Colorado doesn't want you, so maybe try Kansas.