Converse County School District 2 Providing Free WiFi In Glenrock
In today's climate of working from home and distance learning, it's safe to say that access to the internet is necessary for most of us.
Those of us that live in Wyoming know that finding access to internet service isn't easy.
Finding access to high-quality internet service that's consistent is even harder.
I know I'm not the only rural living Wyomingite that watches the clock and makes sure that I'm done with all my work before 7 pm because that's when things really sllllooooow down.
And forget about trying to stream anything after 8:00 pm on a Friday or Saturday night.
I mean, you can try it, but you're gonna be experiencing a whole lot of pauses while your movie is buffering.
Converse County School District 2 knows that poor access to the internet is an issue for many of their families and announced this week that they now have a solution.
Thanks to Kajeet Smart Bus System there are now three locations in Glenrock where its community can access FREE WiFi.
Glenrock Jr/Sr High School Parking lot
Kimball Park (behind the Higgins Hotel)
Glenrock Intermediate School play area (the grassy area where the basketball courts are)
The school buses parked at those locations will provide 300 feet of internet.
The WiFi domain is "KajeetSmartBus".
There is no password to connect.
This access to free WiFi is yet another example of how Converse County School District 2 is stepping up to the plate to ensure success for all in our community.

READ MORE: Here are 10 ways to help others who are struggling right now