It's one of the most famous SNL skits ever.

Christopher Walken and Will Ferrel are in a recording studio and Walken, who is playing the producer, insists that the song "needs more Cowbell".

It's an incredibly simple skit and ridiculously silly...and never gets old.

While I agree more cowbell is always a good idea...I'd like to throw the idea out that MORE FIDDLE is even better.

Philip Bowen is a West Virginia-based musician.

I came across his skills on TikTok and have been borderline obsessed with him ever since.

While Bowen can sing, play guitar, and piano he is (in my opinion) one of the best fiddle players I've ever seen.

On his social media Bowen shares videos where he takes well-known songs and adds the fiddle to them.

Some of the songs naturally sound amazing with his fiddle, specifically the country music songs.

Here Bowen is adding his fiddle to our very own Ian Munsick's "Horses are Faster".

This song already has an amazing fiddle in it, and Bowen proves that more fiddle only makes a song better.

But, Bowen doesn't stop there.

Nope, he takes songs that are NOT melodies that you would think go well with the fiddle, and somehow, Bowen makes it work.

Like this one, "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel.

Wasn't that amazing?

We decided to see if our listeners thought more fiddle was a good idea...and it seems like they all 100% agree that it is. You can find their thoughts in the comments below.

You can find Bowen all over social media, but his largest collection of videos is on TikTok.

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