Glenrock May Be Getting a Splash Park, Ice Rink, and Outdoor Pool
Glenrock is a typical quaint Wyoming small town.
If you take the time to drive through on a Summer day, chances are you'll see multiple groups of children riding bikes, a pack of kids playing at the several playgrounds, moms with strollers strolling down the walking paths, and the next generation of NFR stars riding at South Rec.
It looks like things about to get a lot more exciting for the Glenrock locals!
According to this article in the Glenrock Independent, a proposed renovation of the rec center and surrounding area may result in a splash park, ice rink, and outdoor pool.
The splash park and ice rink would be similar to the set up at David Street Station and offer year-round entertainment for Glenrock families. A proposed remodel of the rec center would include an outdoor pool.
I think it's fair to say that the Glenrock Rec center is one of the hubs of this small town community. It's a safe place for our kids to meet and play, a gathering place for adults and a commonly used practice area for the many Glenrock sports teams.
As someone that has worked out there regularly, and spent many hours watching wrestling practice in the is definitely in need of an upgrade.
According to the Glenrock Independent and Glenrock Public Works Director Randy Rumpler "[They] hope to break ground this summer, although some of that depends on whether or not a Converse County special election makes its way onto the ballot for a November vote. If the special election occurs, voters would decide on a sixth penny tax for $89 million. That $89 million would fund a new Douglas rec center ($37 million), a rec center re-model and outdoor pool in Glenrock ($24 million), operations and maintenance funds ($10 million) and interest on bond payments."
As a Glenrock mama of 5, I have all my fingers and toes crossed that these proposed renovations will happen. Our small town deserves a bit of a facelift and these changes would definitely help foster a stronger sense of community! #herderpride