Wyoming has always been forward thinking when it comes to technology and things that we find beneficial to our day to day lives and Toyota's new concept for a smart window could be one thing that Wyoming residents could find several uses for.

It could help stop tourists in Yellowstone from getting to close to wildlife but still have a fantastic view and an up-close look at the natural beauty without disturbing it. After the last couple of issues that we've had in Yellowstone, I believe this could do a lot of good in the cowboy state.

Keep in mind this is just a concept for the time being and it could be several years before we actually get to see something this cool in the United States, let alone right here in Wyoming. But think about how many other issues this could solve and how it could make a long drive across Wyoming go by in a snap.


The video may be dated by a few years but it's not an idea that Toyota has completely abandoned.


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