How Likely Are Wyomingites To Help Someone With Broken Down Car?
One of the best parts of living in Wyoming, is that most people are very helpful and willing to help someone stranded on the side of the road no matter the circumstances.
This winter has been quite snowy and has been difficult for many people. I've seen people slide off the road, and 10 people stop to lend a hand. Cars stuck in the middle of the street and volunteers rushing to help get the car moving.
Most Wyomingites are usually always ready with a tow rope or chain, shovels, tractor, snow blade or spare jack to help with a flat tire.
There was a survey taken to see how many people wouldn't stop and help a neighbor with a broken down car. I know it may be hard to believe, but Wyoming ranks toward the middle of the pack of states where drivers WOULDN'T stop and help with a broken down car.
Just from what I've seen from Wyomingites, I can't imagine that 22% wouldn't stop and help out.
The survey was done by Gunther Volvo Cars' in Daytona Beach in November of 2022. Over 7,400 people took the survey, which obviously doesn't represent the millions of people in the United States, but is a better number than the usual 2,000 for surveys.
Here's how some of our neighboring states faired in the survey.
- Nebraska had the lowest percentage of people that WOULDN'T stop and help with 6%
- Montana showed that 7% WOULDN'T stop
- 12% in Idaho
- 13% in Utah
- 23% in Colorado
- 25% in South Dakota
- 28% in North Dakota
Of the 50 states, Mississippi (40%), South Carolina (38%) and Oklahoma (36%) had the worst percentage of helping.
Take a look at all the states here.
Created by Gunther-Volvo-Cars-Daytona-Beach • Viewlarger version