Photos of Wyoming Turned into Amazing ‘Paintings’ [GALLERY]
You don’t have to go far to find beauty in Wyoming. Our landscapes are some of the best in the world. With smartphones it is easy to capture our rugged and amazing scenery. Along with the phone comes a plethora of apps that you can edit and tweak these photos. I collect these apps like baseball cards. There are so many good ones out there.
I made these with Brushstroke for iOS. It takes your photos applies filters that make it look like a painting. You can make your photo of the kids look like a classic oil painting that hangs in an art gallery. That cool flower you photographed can look like Van Gogh painted it.
The subject and muse for this gallery is the Casper area - from Edness Wilkins Park, to the Red Cliffs near Kaycee, to Casper Mountain. I took the photos and turned them into fine art. Not that Mother Nature needed my help.