Protesters Throw Back a Fisherman’s Catch!! [POLL RESULTS]
I watched this video and could only think - "Bet they wouldn't do this in Wyoming"!
A small group of vegan protesters threw a fisherman's catch back in a protest against killing animals. Just watching the video, I was infuriated!!
The back story is that a couple of fisherman in Florida were sinking lines off of a bridge and one had just caught a nice sized talapia and set it on the ground while another person when to retrieve a bucket or a stringer so they could keep their harvest. But the protesters, with camera rolling took offense with the fish flopped on the ground and one of them picks the fish up and threw it back.
So we asked, if someone protested your fishing in Wyoming and threw back a fish you had just caught, what would you do?
70% of people responded with - I'd throw them in as well!
18% said that they'd call a Game and Fish Officer and report them, the responsible answer.
3% of people said they had no idea what they'd do.
What about you?? If someone protested your fishing activities while you were fishing and through one or more of your fish back, what would you do?