It's not an everyday occurrence to see not one, not two, not even three, but four of the brightest objects in the night sky being visible at the same time and in the same picture.
A two-tailed comet is streaking above Wyoming.
Well, sure, and the rest of the world too, but anyway.
This one has two tails and is green
It's officially called 12P/Pons-Brooks and was first seen way back in 1812 by French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons.
For all Wyomingites that are interested in stargazing, tonight (Monday, September 18th, 2023), there is fairly decent chance you will be able to see an aurora.
Persephone has ushered in springtime flowers and blossoms on the trees. And with that, May's Flower Moon will arrive on Friday, May 5.
The best viewing time for Wyomingites is just before noon at 11:36 MST. It will also appear full Thursday (98% to be exact) to the early hours of Sunday...
If you love taking a blanket, laying on your back and looking at the Stars, Wyoming is one of the best states because of the lack of "light pollution" and for the next month is going to be even better.
One of the largest meteor showers of the year will be visible this weekend. This event is not as rare as a total eclipse, it is still a spectacular sight to behold.