That Fun Time When a Couple Encountered a Werewolf in Yellowstone
When you go to Yellowstone, you understand you might see bears, wolves, bison, moose and elk. If a story is to be believed, you might want to add werewolves to that list.
Early in their trip, they heard something large scurrying behind them on a trail. They feared it might be a moose or a bear. Truth is it was something much more sinister.
I found this interesting Yellowstone werewolf tale on the Darkness Prevails YouTube channel. It's quite a story that begins after the 10 minute mark. It begins with a couple who decided to spend some alone time in Yellowstone. Listen and then I'll summarize.

It always begins with a guy/girl camping trip. The guy had planned to propose in Yellowstone. Early in their trip, they heard something large scurrying behind them on a trail. They feared it might be a moose or a bear. Truth is it was something much more sinister. He tried to downplay his girlfriend's fears and they continued on taking pictures and eventually making it to the campsite.
That night they saw a small stream. The girl named Lynn decided she wanted to go wash her feet there. She proceeded to the water source...alone. A few minutes later, he heard a scream. He jumped up out of the chair and ran toward the stream. He found her at the edge of the scream with just one shoe on. She claimed that something large with dark fur had jumped right next to her in the stream. It looked like a wolf, but...
He told her that wolves were normally afraid of being near people when they are alone so she shouldn't worry. They went back to the campsite while it was still daytime.
Later they decided to go fish for dinner. As they were hiking, they heard loud growling along the trail. They feared it was a wolf or bear feeding. The guy started waving his arms and making himself loud to alert whatever it was that they were there. Instead of scaring off a bear or wolf, they saw a large beast stand up on two legs. It had the head of a wolf and extended to over 6 feet tall with an arm that eventually latched onto a tree. This wasn't a normal wolf.
They both agreed now was the time to leave. They could hear a dreadful sound behind them and knew whatever they saw was now chasing them. They ran. Fast. Fortunately whatever the beast was did not follow them all the way to the campsite. They hurried to the car and left Yellowstone and whatever it was in the woods there.
Is this a tall tale created by wild imaginations or an indication that there are bigger predators than bears and wolves in the Yellowstone woods.
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