The First Female Master Bladesmith in America is From Wyoming
Nothing is more Wyoming than a woman being told that she can't do something, only to show them that not only CAN she complete the task...but she can do it better.
Audra Draper is the first female bladesmith in America and she's from Riverton, Wyoming.
While working as a ranch hand, she saw the rancher making a knife on a forge. Draper asked if she could try and was told, "girls can't make knives."
With true Wyoming grit and grace, Audra Draper set out to learn the trade on her own.
She began to create knives to sell at craft fairs but found that people weren't giving her credit for her work.
She decided to apply for her Master Bladesmith rating so that there was no doubt about her skill.
Draper had the talent and skills needed and passed the test to become the first female Master Bladesmith in America...in the world, actually.
Wyoming PBS featured her in their Our Wyoming series, you can listen to her share her entire story by watching the video below.
As you can see in the video, Draper now shares her talents in a brand new way, teaching others how to create beautiful knives.
I also have to add that I think it's pretty wonderful how supportive her husband is. Not only does he cheer her on, but he helps to care for her forge and prep her shop and materials for her.