Go ‘Fishin’ for the Mission’ to Fight Homelessness on June 7th, 2018 [VIDEO]
Fisherman from all over will be taking to the water for a day of friendly competition in the annual 'Fishin' for the Mission' fishing tournament on Thursday, June 7th, 2018.
The guides are already hitting the water and will have all the top producing holes mapped out by the time we get to early June. But boat space is filling up fast with only a few open boats remaining.
The event kicks off with a welcome dinner, social hour, team draw and Calcutta on Wednesday night June 6th at the True Building in Casper. The next morning teams will meet their guides at 5:30 am for a fun day of fishing on the North Platte River with the days top teams being rewarded with prizes at lunch that day.
Cost for a 2 person team is $1000 and you can click here to register online.
All gear and equipment are provided by local area guides, who will put you on the fish. Your job is to catch a bunch and have a good time!
Watch our story from the 2017 Fishin' for the Mission tournament
The Wyoming Rescue Mission supports anyone struggling with homelessness and helps them get back into society as an independent community member. You can support the Wyoming rescue mission by making a donation of food, resource or money.