Going to Yellowstone This Weekend? Might Want to Take Skis
It's the first day of summer which means there's a chance of snow at Yellowstone because Wyoming is being Wyoming.
I first saw that there is a possibility of snow at Yellowstone this weekend from Snow Brains. I decided to see if the National Weather Service could verify this and this is what I learned.
The official NWS forecast for Yellowstone does in fact include snow. This is their forecast for today and Saturday.
I asked my meteorologist wife (aka The Weather Expert) and she said that this won't amount to anything because of the daily high temps. Sure enough, if you look at the details of the NWS forecast, you'll see this phrase...
Little or no snow accumulation expected.
So, the "bring your skis" part is kind of a joke, but it is likely you will see snow in the air if you go to Yellowstone this weekend. It's just not expected to really stick around.
Like I said, Wyoming being Wyoming.