Helping Casper’s Less Fortunate with a Rod and Reel [VIDEO]
It is humbling to know that 56 anglers are helping to feed and shelter for some of Casper's less fortunate. The 2017 Fishin' for the Mission will easily provide 7000 meals for the Wyoming Rescue Mission. The program was able to help kids like Devon. He and his sister were given food and shelter when their family needed a hand. It is for all those in need that we fish.
The boats hit the water just after dawn. Each boat had a guide and two fishermen. While they fish on this little piece of heaven on the Platte, they are floating towards oil city where some struggle to find food and shelter on a daily basis. The face of homelessness may not always be as it seems.
Take the story about Devon. A child who was needing refuge in a time of crisis. He found hope in the Wyoming Rescue Mission. It's hard to believe that some are missing that fundamental component of food and shelter. Something that we can take for granted all too easily.
The festivities started the night before with a dinner and meet and greet. The guides were assigned to each team of fisherman. There was a fly casting contest where you could to prove your skill and win prizes.
The Wyoming Rescue is a privately funded ministry and is constantly growing. Each client is actively helped by the WRM staff. Right now they have five facilities including a soup kitchen that serves 80-100 meals a night, a thrift store that provides 80% of their income, and housing for men, women, and families. Typically clients stay with the WRM for less than 90 days. It is WRM goal to get their clients back on their feet by helping get proper identification and even find jobs.