Small Wyoming Town Goes International
Wow! You've got to hand it to the crack reporters on this site. Leave it to the U.K. Daily Mail to write up a really neat expose on the tiny town of Buford, Wyoming--population: 1.
So, the least we could do is to report on their reporting, right? Maybe it's just because we take places like this for granted in Wyoming because we live here and there are several of these little hamlets. Then again, Maybe you don't live in Wyoming and want the scoop. That's where we'll take the reins.
Buford, Wyoming is positioned on a nice climb up busy Interstate 80 and U.S. 30, between Laramie and Cheyenne, in the southeastern portion of the state. Named after Civil War General, John Buford, it was established around the time that the transcontinental railroad was being built. At that time, it would be home to 2000 construction people and engineers. Well, those days are certainly gone, but Buford, and its sole inhabitant and owner, Don Sammons, are still there.
As I proof read what I've been writing, I find it kind of sad that being from Wyoming, I don't have a first-hand perspective of Buford. Been a lot of places in our beautiful state, yet Big, Beautiful Buford hasn't been one of them. For that I apologize, Don(should you be reading) and everyone else. I shall try to make amends.
Now back to the facts.
The article goes on to say that Don and his wife bought the town in 1980 after leaving L.A.; on the lookout for a more relaxed lifestyle. Seven people lived in Buford at that time and all would eventually leave during the mid '90s, leaving only Don, his wife, and son. When his wife passed away and his son moved to Colorado, that left only Don to manage the town, and foremost--The Buford Trading Post.
Don maintains a healthy attitude about the situation, saying, "After I close, I'm the only guy for miles around. And I like it that way."
It's a pretty interesting story, with plenty of pictures. Read it here.
This is also a perfect time to tell us your Buford experience.