This fall, leaves will.

So the City of Casper offers extra trash collection days for residents who place their leaves in bags, according to a news release from the city's solid waste division.

To make sure that bagged leaves are collected, the city asks residents to do the following:

  • Curbside customers should place bagged leaves at the curb at least three feet from garbage containers.
  • Do not place the bags on sidewalks.
  • Alley customers may place the bags behind their property in the alley.
  • All bags should be placed by 7 a.m. on the day of collection.
  • Residents may place as many bags of leaves as they have gathered.

Extra collection days are either on the first and third or second and fourth trash days of the month.

Due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday, Thursday customers will have their trash collected on Friday. Friday customers' trash will be collected on Saturday. Those customers whose extra collection falls on that week may place their leaves on their delayed trash day.

The division takes the leaves to the compost yard at the solid waste facility at 1886 Station Road.

Google Maps, City of Casper
Google Maps, City of Casper

Residents also may take their leaves, grass and branches to the compost yard for free. The facility is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Residents can find their extra leaf collection day on the city’s website or by calling (307) 235-8246.

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