So, I'm curious, at what time did you crack your first smile today? If you are stuck behind a desk or have a job that you don't particularly like, it was most certainly after 11:16 AM.

According to a new survey published in the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph, Monday mornings are so depressing to the majority of us, that very few people of us even crack a smile until just before noon. In fact, according to the survey, the average time for the first smile on a Monday is 11:16 AM.

Half of the people surveyed admitted they were usually late for work on Monday's after struggling to get up after the weekend. While, most people will only manage three-and-a-half hours of actual productive work on Monday.

In addition, when workers weren't late or wasting time at their desks, they are likely to be complaining. In an ironic twist, the survey also unveiled that grumpy Monday morning persons spend an average of 12 minutes complaining any given Monday about the fact that it's... well, Monday.

According to the study there are several ways to combat the Monday blues:  Here are their top 5 - 1 Watching TV, 2 Sex, 3 On-line shopping, 4 Buying chocolate or make-up, 5 Planning a vacation.

In a separate mood study published in the Journal of Science states, by far the two factors that most upset people's daily moods were a poor night's sleep and tight work deadlines. According to their research, people who slept poorly reported relatively little enjoyment even when relaxing in front of the TV or out shopping.

According to the study, if we get more sleep and accomplish even one little task in the final hour before bed each night, we could all wake up in better moods.

Tell us, how’s your Monday been? Was it awful? Or do you actually enjoy Mondays?

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